About the Photographer

My name is Valerie, and I am excited to be your personal photographer!  I will help you capture memories to help you pass on your  memories to pass on for  generations to come!

Since I was little I have always had a camera at hand, and taking pictures of just about everything!   I have still continue to have the passion for photography and is still alive and well.  In the Spring of 2011 I  completed in an eight week photography class taught by a top of the line Photographer.  With this class I have furnished my skills as a photographer. I also have joined photography club and continue  practicing my new skills every day at home and around my town. 

I also have done photography sessions for my sister-in-law for her 1st Wedding Anniversary, as well as a close friend.  Everyday I find something to get a picture of and find ways for where I can improve my skills as your personal photographer.

Valentines Day 2010 I got married to my best friend, Brent.  Together we have a beautiful son and daughter we are growing and learning new things everyday.  My hubby works at a nearby hospital and he is an avid sports fan.  During the winter sports, I can be caught in the stands with my camera getting photos of him doing what he loves. 

I have also participated in getting photos for my cousins Wedding, as well as real-estate, landscape, and portrait photography. 

Other than Photography, I also enjoy cooking and baking, watching movies, reading, and of course, writing.  I also love being a wife and mother to my family and above all, helping those I love.  I enjoy participating at  my church's functions in which I regularly volunteer my time, and being a PTA Mom at my son's daycare.   In 2010 I  graduated from a local school in Medical Assisting. 

Growing up, I also have had a love for music.  I participated in marching band, concert band, and honors band in high school.  Believe it or not, I used to take my camera to high school football games, band trips, and competitions and take pictures of my friends and schoolmates and at the end of every year I would make a photo album of the memories.It has always been something to treasure. Looking back, my camera has helped capture memories for me to pass on to my children.  How wonderful it will be to pull out old photos of my children to see what I have accomplished in my life.  Photos are such a way to capture it. 

So far in 2012 I have refurbished my Grandmother's wedding album, as well as put pictures in an album for my children to see how much they have grown.  Not only have the pictures been fun to take, but they also help look back on how our family has grown over the last 4 years.