Friday, December 23, 2011

A Look Back on the 2010 and 2011 Photography Season!

Christmas is just about 48 hours away and as a photographer, it is time to relax and remember the last year.  As quick as 2011 came in, it left too!  Although I didn't accomplish as much as I would have wanted to, I did accomplish more than I would have hoped (which is a great opportunity for a starting Photographer).

This time last year I was developing myself as a photographer.  My daughter was just about 6, almost 7 months old and my point-and-shoot camera was always being pulled out.  I was always trying to catch a glimpse of my 'baby' before she grew up! 

In the meantime, a good friend at that time suggested I check out some photography books from the local library.  She made the point of saying that the books are free to rent (unless of course you're late returning them) and that you get them for at least a good month (and more if you renew) and being a stay-at-home mom at the time I had the perfect opportunity to read more about my new and growing hobby.  In the meantime I did land a small job in my local town and I still had the weekends to expand my photography experience, practice and knowledge. 

By the time spring came, my graduating high school offered a 'Beginner Photography' class that was roughly about 8 weeks long.  Each week we touched on important aspects of photography, as well as worked hands on with different photography experiences.  We talked about Portrait Photography, Landscape Photography, as well as rule of thirds, and understanding the basics of camera knowledge, and of course much more!  Although I still only had my point and shoot, the knowledge I gained was very helpful in the later months. 

An example of Portrait Photography from my Photography Class

My favorite Picture..this was captured right after my photography class.  This is my son Everett and his Great Grandfather

The Sunset during a practice session during my class

Another fine example of Portrait Photography..capturing the different looks of wine bottles.
Looking at a guide rail through my camera

A picture of a fence with the sun beaming through the bars.

Another beautiful sunset captured during class.

A tribute to the flag

A beautiful rainbow I captured

What beautiful colors!                
The longer the class progressed, the better my photos showed for it.  We took a trip to a local state park, and even journeyed into a local township park for some more photography practice!  My insights on becoming a photographer were much more clear, and I was soon able to capture precious photos of my children and family.  Although that was all I had at the time, I posted the pictures to Facebook and sat back and enjoyed the comments coming in. 

I had wanted, and hoped to get a photo session for someone but I had no idea where to start or where to begin with starting that kind of process.  I had looked at a few websites (which I felt were too pricey for me to charge with barely any experience, other than just my own family).  and read Photography magazines, books, and other websites for information and insight.  I tried a 'trail' name for myself (only to find out that I was one of more than 1,000 Photographer's with that same name), and tried building a website for myself.  Although it was tricky, I worked on snowy days and my days off to furnish what I was hoping would become a true website for myself.  For example, I wrote a little autobiography of myself as well as trying to find a way to get pictures from weddings and other things I had done and display them.  The tricky part was trying to find a price (without over charging) and trying to find a way to set everything up on the site the way I wanted it.  After about 4 or 5 months of my 'trial run', something happened to the website and I was literally locked out of the website. I couldn't remember the password, and because the site had updated and changed everything around my photography site looked outdated. 

I took that step to really step up my photography as well as my advertizing and blogging.  I finally had found a camera to invest in, and secured my very first session with a good friend of mine!  What a pleasure it was! 

As my last session was successful, I started working on my photography like crazy! Everything was a challenge to get a photo of!  I am even apart of my local Photography Club, and one of my friends signed me up a weekly Photography Competition, and now it is always a challenge to find or take a picture of to submit to the competition every week.  When the weather changes, the camera is out...when the kids are doing something special the camera comes out and it is even more fun!  

This is where it all began.  Photography is defiantly something that I absolutely LOVE!  Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what I can get a photo of next or what next photo opportunity will come.  

In 2012 I am looking forward to scheduling my first Engagement Session (and it excites me so much, I LOVE Photographing young couples!), I had the honor of Photographing my friends Amanda and Jason (shown above) AND my sister-in-law and her hubby for her Anniversary Party!  I've also had a few 'Sister Sessions' with Amanda and her sister, and one with two sisters to a friend.  Also in the upcoming year I am honored to be doing more maternity sessions AND newborn sessions!  I am also hoping to get at least one wedding to do for someone, as well as hoping to capture some magical moments of Children.  I'm hoping that more people will be more open to my growing experience as well as my open-mindedness of my photos. I enjoy watching people having fun and relaxing while their pictures are being done, it is much more personable and it is a better way bring yourself out in  your photos. 

I will continue to blog about this last year.  There is so much to talk about!  This is only the beginning....this is where my Photography Story began.  

In my next blog I will talk more about life as a growing Photographer, how my skills have been furnished to my photography and my photography knowledge.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a Busy season it is....

Christmas has been such a busy season this year.  It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Thanksgiving and all ready it is time for Christmas!

I'm sure  many people are baking cookies, wrapping gifts, putting up the tree and planning those special family gatherings. 

During this winter season, I had one Holiday Session and it was absolutely WONDERFUL!  The pictures were beautiful and I got to take pictures of two sisters. 

My husband officiated a nearby tournament and I was honored to capture some special sports photography of him.

Action Shot!

Blowing the whistle

Knowing his skills to perfection

Wrestling officials uniform

I also did a photo shoot of my kids for my holiday cards. 

Amazed by the tree!

Smiling for the camera!

Beautiful eyes!

Christmas Dress

The Holiday Photo I used for my cards

Smiling with the teddy bear!
This is just a demo of some of the Holiday Photos I've taken.  Be sure to contact me if you would like DLWM Photography to catch some special memories for you!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

As Autumn has slowly left us, and the cold weather has set in it is that time of season again to celebrate giving thanks as well as celebrate the famous holiday of Christmas.

As a photographer, my experience over the last year has definitely increased. 

Last Autumn, I decided to try to get a session with someone as well as I started to compose my first Photography Website.  I was hoping to find a hobby I could have fun with, as well as help make some extra side money to help me care for my two children. 

Once I had the basics down as far as a Website, and a name for myself I then found a local school would teach me an 8 to 10 week course on photography. It was wonderful, I made quite a few friends as well as got a lot of photography experience.  We worked on Portrait photography, landscape photography and all sorts of photography in between.  In between I was consistently taking pictures, and blogging about taking the pictures of course.  The original name I had for myself I ended up realizing that there were over 1,000 Photographers with the same name so I decided later on that it was time to find a more serious name for myself and since my experience had increased to form a new website. 

During the Spring and early Summer I got my first real session, as well as I took a session for my sister-in-law and her husband.  I had had some other little sessions but nothing too major to write about other than they were experience. 

One awesome experience I had was I was honored to take some photograph's for my cousin's wedding.  I have been so grateful to have that experience, as well as I enjoyed doing it for her.  Since doing that I would LOVE to get into some more wedding photography because I absolutely LOVED it!   I would love to post pictures from her wedding, but until I see her in a couple weeks I can't. 

Now we are into the holiday season and as you are preparing your Thanksgiving Turkey, watching the Thanksgiving day Parade, watching football or bringing out Christmas/Holiday Decorations you may start to wonder 'who will take my holiday photos?',Through DLWM Photography you can get as many photos as you need. One of the adults, one of the kids, family portrait and more for one fee of $35!  After your session (usually within a couple days to a week) you will have your CD and Print Release information.  You can then take the photos anywhere you'd like to get printed and get any size you want as well as use them for your photo gifts for the Holiday Season of 2011.

"Why choose the name ‘DLWM Photography’? I chose the name ‘DLWM Photography’ because while cleaning out a family member’s home, I came across many photos old and new. I noticed how I was able to view photos of past family members who have passed on, as well as photos from generations ago. It began to fascinate me how such a simple things as a photo helped me learn about my families past, present, and future and teach me how people used to live as compared to today. So after that wonderful experience, it was only natural for me to name myself for my most recent generations. Each letter stands for a last name of a part of my family.  "

I have had so much fun learning about the people I take the pictures for, as well as honor their wishes with the pictures.  Not only have I had sessions, I've taken classes and had sessions as well as read books and magazines.  I'm looking forward to an engagement session, maternity session, and of course another wedding.

To find out more about Life Behind the Lens, enjoy reading my blog as well as you may contact me on my Facebook page (just look for DLWM Photography) in your search bar.  OR you may e-mail me at!  Once you e-mail or post to me, then I will contact you from there.  I leave my phone number off of my website. 

Thank you so much for your unending support.  Help me 'Capture Special Memories now to pass on from generations to come!'

Friday, November 11, 2011

Some Friendly Fun!

Last weekend two of my good friend's asked me to do a photo-shoot for them, they had never experienced a personal photographer and were looking forward to the experience. 

First we picked our location, which was a local park that I had known of and gone to before.  Then we picked a date and time.  

My beautiful couple looking onto such gorgeous waters...

The beautiful Victoria...

This happened to be a total candid shot, what a beautiful smile she has!

Two friends enjoying the view.

A perfect Pose!

Just having fun....

I edited the photo to add a touch of color too the sky, but to bring out how happy the girls were.

Looking out...

Wonder what she's thinking about? Her future maybe?

A black and white edit of Victoria...

Another beautiful smile!

This photo shoot was such a blast!  Everyone was so relaxed, and so many photos were candid. 

Just think of how beautiful your pictures will come out!  For more information about this session, or one like me at!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jim Thope, PA

As a photographer, I have grown to love seeing new things in every day life.  From a stroll in the park at sunset, to a roller coaster ride at the Amusement park.  Coming across my many travels, from state parks to crossing state borders I have seen many different sites and captured a few memorable things thru my camera lens.

One place I have come across more than once is the beautiful Jim Thorpe, PA. 

Tucked away in the Leigh Valley it is a place I have loved going to.  On top of it's rich history of both my family, and United States history it is a wonderful relaxing place to visit every now and again.

A beautiful view of the church going into town.

The Jim Thorpe Train Station

Jim Thorpe train ride.  My Great-Grandfather was an engineer on this railroad.

Leigh Valley River

Turntable from the Jersey Central Railroad

A view from the Asa Packer Mansion.

Asa Packer Mansion

Another old building...looking out onto the valley.

Another beautiful view of the clock and the statue.

One of the famous Inn's.  Although you won't catch me staying there....I've heard stories it's Haunted!

The beautiful clock...

The historic Statue....the stones used to be cement on the bottom until it was restored.
As you can tell this small city is a beautiful site to see.  There is more to discover each and every visit...but to this day, it is an enchanting little town tucked away in the Lehigh Valley.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Photos for Sale!

Hello everyone,

It has been awhile since I recently updated and the photography life has been quite exciting!  I've had numerous scheduled fall sessions, as well as looking forward to the holiday season.  During the holiday, and post holiday season I have a Photography Special going.

Holiday Photo Special - $35 …Dress in your holiday best and get some holiday photos taken! Holiday Photos begin the Third week of October (to Photograph Children’s Halloween costumes) all the way up thru New Years! This special Event lasts only until the second week of January!!! Take advantage during this special time of year, during the holiday special not only will you get many, many pictures, but you will also get 10% discount off of a future session of your choice during the upcoming year!

I am also willing to take pictures for your holiday party!

To plan your session send me a message or RSVP and plan your session from there!

You can pick the place and I can customize your photos to suite your needs. You will then get a CD made for you to take anywhere to get developed (even make holiday cards with the photos!) 
What else is new? You may ask....I am also selling pictures recently featured on WNEP TV's 'Photolink' slideshow featured on Friday nights.  
It is a GREAT gift idea and very affordable!  The pictures being offered are:

Interested e-mail!