Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

As Autumn has slowly left us, and the cold weather has set in it is that time of season again to celebrate giving thanks as well as celebrate the famous holiday of Christmas.

As a photographer, my experience over the last year has definitely increased. 

Last Autumn, I decided to try to get a session with someone as well as I started to compose my first Photography Website.  I was hoping to find a hobby I could have fun with, as well as help make some extra side money to help me care for my two children. 

Once I had the basics down as far as a Website, and a name for myself I then found a local school would teach me an 8 to 10 week course on photography. It was wonderful, I made quite a few friends as well as got a lot of photography experience.  We worked on Portrait photography, landscape photography and all sorts of photography in between.  In between I was consistently taking pictures, and blogging about taking the pictures of course.  The original name I had for myself I ended up realizing that there were over 1,000 Photographers with the same name so I decided later on that it was time to find a more serious name for myself and since my experience had increased to form a new website. 

During the Spring and early Summer I got my first real session, as well as I took a session for my sister-in-law and her husband.  I had had some other little sessions but nothing too major to write about other than they were experience. 

One awesome experience I had was I was honored to take some photograph's for my cousin's wedding.  I have been so grateful to have that experience, as well as I enjoyed doing it for her.  Since doing that I would LOVE to get into some more wedding photography because I absolutely LOVED it!   I would love to post pictures from her wedding, but until I see her in a couple weeks I can't. 

Now we are into the holiday season and as you are preparing your Thanksgiving Turkey, watching the Thanksgiving day Parade, watching football or bringing out Christmas/Holiday Decorations you may start to wonder 'who will take my holiday photos?',Through DLWM Photography you can get as many photos as you need. One of the adults, one of the kids, family portrait and more for one fee of $35!  After your session (usually within a couple days to a week) you will have your CD and Print Release information.  You can then take the photos anywhere you'd like to get printed and get any size you want as well as use them for your photo gifts for the Holiday Season of 2011.

"Why choose the name ‘DLWM Photography’? I chose the name ‘DLWM Photography’ because while cleaning out a family member’s home, I came across many photos old and new. I noticed how I was able to view photos of past family members who have passed on, as well as photos from generations ago. It began to fascinate me how such a simple things as a photo helped me learn about my families past, present, and future and teach me how people used to live as compared to today. So after that wonderful experience, it was only natural for me to name myself for my most recent generations. Each letter stands for a last name of a part of my family.  "

I have had so much fun learning about the people I take the pictures for, as well as honor their wishes with the pictures.  Not only have I had sessions, I've taken classes and had sessions as well as read books and magazines.  I'm looking forward to an engagement session, maternity session, and of course another wedding.

To find out more about Life Behind the Lens, enjoy reading my blog as well as you may contact me on my Facebook page (just look for DLWM Photography) in your search bar.  OR you may e-mail me at!  Once you e-mail or post to me, then I will contact you from there.  I leave my phone number off of my website. 

Thank you so much for your unending support.  Help me 'Capture Special Memories now to pass on from generations to come!'

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