Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

Over the weekend, my photography got a new addition to the family.  I finally purchased a tri-pod!

I also managed to get some new pictures!  Using my new tri-pod of course.

A lovely daffodil....Look at the colors!  Purely amazing...this definatley tells you that it is spring!  This was obviously used with the tri-pod.  It kept the camera steady and the picture nice and crsip....

A close up of a daffodil.  Yes, this was taken with the tri-pod.  Portraits of people can also be taken with a tri-pod.

Work with the tri-pod is simply amazing. You can capture beautiful things and have a steady hand. 

This is a fine example of portrait photography with a tri-pod.  This is a picture used in my photography class...look at how sharp and crisp this picture is. 

I know I haven't really written much as far as I usually do...this gives you a taste of what I have been focusing on.  I know I have A LOT of photos in the Macro setting (aka 'close ups'), but I plan to expand more over the upcoming weeks of other things.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Photography Class 101

There is one more week left of my Photography class, it has flown by! 

Last night we worked on sunset photography and let me tell you, it was a WONDERFUL experince!  The lighting was beautiful...all colors of the rainbow!  It also wasn't too cloudy or too rainy (actually it wasn't rainy at all for a change!).  If anyone wants pictures I highly reccomend getting pictures taken during the sunset.  From about 5pm till about 7pm right now in Mid-April.  From the time the sun in above so high in the sky till it totally sets the lighting it just georgous..I could just go on!  I plan to upload some pictures later....

We worked on getting pictures of tree buds, and some neat things of nature.  I got many pictures of shapes, as well as close ups of a fense, and flowers..even some new grass buds! 

I wish I could have had a couple there willing to participate in a photography shoot.  Even though it was a simple place such as a field, it worked magic as the sunset.  The closer you look around there are many props!  Not a nature person?  Sports complexes and high school statiums work wonders for sports fans.  We could dress you up in your faveorite team and maybe paint your face with a faveorite number of your player...put you in the stands and capture the joy of watching your faveorite team!  There are just so many ideas to do...that's the one thing I LOVE about photography.  You could be creative as you want, and it doesn't take a lot of time to learn.  I started in September of 2010 and started with this class in March.  I also read books like 'The Joy of Digial Photography' and 'The New Joy of Digital Photography' and read the book 'digital camera's and photography for dummies' also accompanied by a DVD.  The learning is endless and once you get an eye for it, it's not hard to follow suite. 

Since my start in September, by December I did a photo shoot at my cousin's wedding. What a learning experince!!! I have to say, my cousin LOVED how the pictures came out and I was able to get somewhat creative even though I was just a guest.  I also have been taking pictures of wedding cakes for people.  I got a new realtive's wedding cake, my cousin's, and a neighbor.  There is so much to do as a photographer your possibilities are endless! 

If you are interested in Modeling for me for a free session and free photos!...you know how to contact me.  DLWMPhotography@gmail.com

Yes, there will be a model release form included! 

Want some of your faveorite recipies captured for a recipie book?? I am also doing food photography!

So with that..I will leave you with I hope to upload some pictures before Easter. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Photography Class 101

My photography class has been going pretty well, dispite the rain we have had.  Last week we went to the back of our learning center to persue pictures.  My instructor hoped that we would get pictures of sports, as well as nature but as it lucked out we were only able to get photos of nature.

I worked on my Macro (in the photography world, it is known as 'close ups') mode on my camera.  I also worked on getting portraits of the sunset.

First using a Tri-pod we tok portraits of wine bottles. This is an example of one picture I took of the wine bottles.

In class we also focused on depth of field, and the right placement of subject in  a photo.

This is an example of using the Macro setting.  This is a close up of a tree bud on a cloudy day.

Again, this is a picture of a portrait setting of a tree.  Can't you just imagine an engaged couple standing in front of it, the gril holding onto the boy with her leg in the air while she smootches him on the cheek??? 

This is obvious..a geourgous picture of  the sunset, almost cresting the mountains below it.  Isn't the lighting just beautiful???

This is a nearby hiking trail.. in the distance you could see the trail as far the eye can see.  In the front you see a tree with water gracefully dripping off.  If you could imagine, this would also be a great landscape for couples.  You can have the couple walking into the trail and a picture from behind....amazing photography!

Again, a portrait of a tree....in the background an overcast sky with touches of blue in the background..

There are some pictures I have recently taken over the last few weeks. 

I am now providing Spring Portraits good till May!  Just $20 for a family of 4 for family photography until May 1st!!

One great value.....remember, let me put some sun in your life!

Helping you make memories every day....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photography Class 101

The last few weeks has been really busy between photography, work, and of course the kids at home.

My photography class has been great, two weeks ago we worked on portrait photography with wine bottles and this last week we went outside and took pictures of nature.  We also worked on our sports mode and our macro mode on our cameras.  I have still been trying to have picture sessions availible for anyone who is interseted I have extended the FREE PORTRAIT SESSION UNTIL MAY 1ST!!!

Contact me at DLWMPhotography@gmail.com

More pictuers coming soon!

Friday, April 1, 2011


From April 1st till April 18th DLWM Photograhpy is offering Free Portrait Sittings!  Contact DLWMPhotography@gmail.com to set up your appointment!

DLWM Photography is also trying to get on Facebook!  Will post when I am successfully availible on Facebook!