Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Photography Class 101

My photography class has been going pretty well, dispite the rain we have had.  Last week we went to the back of our learning center to persue pictures.  My instructor hoped that we would get pictures of sports, as well as nature but as it lucked out we were only able to get photos of nature.

I worked on my Macro (in the photography world, it is known as 'close ups') mode on my camera.  I also worked on getting portraits of the sunset.

First using a Tri-pod we tok portraits of wine bottles. This is an example of one picture I took of the wine bottles.

In class we also focused on depth of field, and the right placement of subject in  a photo.

This is an example of using the Macro setting.  This is a close up of a tree bud on a cloudy day.

Again, this is a picture of a portrait setting of a tree.  Can't you just imagine an engaged couple standing in front of it, the gril holding onto the boy with her leg in the air while she smootches him on the cheek??? 

This is obvious..a geourgous picture of  the sunset, almost cresting the mountains below it.  Isn't the lighting just beautiful???

This is a nearby hiking trail.. in the distance you could see the trail as far the eye can see.  In the front you see a tree with water gracefully dripping off.  If you could imagine, this would also be a great landscape for couples.  You can have the couple walking into the trail and a picture from behind....amazing photography!

Again, a portrait of a tree....in the background an overcast sky with touches of blue in the background..

There are some pictures I have recently taken over the last few weeks. 

I am now providing Spring Portraits good till May!  Just $20 for a family of 4 for family photography until May 1st!!

One great value.....remember, let me put some sun in your life!

Helping you make memories every day....

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