Friday, July 29, 2011

Summertime Photo-shoot!

Summer has finally reached its peak and I have finally had an experience of taking pictures.

A friend of mine recently asked for me to get some pictures taken of her and her boyfriend, and children in their family.  I was very thrilled and excited and said 'YES' to the big opportunity!  I finally was able to capture some beautiful pictures other than just my family.

 This is my good friend Amanda.  We have been friends since high school and she is now a co-worker of mine. 

   I absolutely LOVE this photograph!  I had been reading in my photography books that a white-umbrella would make for a good prop and help with back lighting (aka, the light behind the subject), as time was ticking down I was unable to obtain a white umbrella for this photo-shoot.  As it worked out, unplanned, my friend had decided to wear the same color purple as the umbrella I keep in my car!  How awesome is that???  I actually liked the purple so much better, it brings out so much more color in the dress and my friend.  I think if I had used a white umbrella the photograph would have had too much white. 

These are another two pictures that I took...I LOVED the accent of the park bench and the trees in the background.  

This is another picture I absolutely LOVE!  This is the wonderful couple together, and the smiles are just charming...
Another great pose from our beautiful couple!

I like to do some different-out-of-the-norm poses for my lucky couples.  Since Amanda and Jason aren't engaged yet, a nice change was to celebrate the love of each other  by using a gift given by Jason.  He bought her a bracelet she had wanted for quite some time so I told her to wear the bracelet to her photo-shoot.  How much more romantic can you get than getting a picture of him putting on the bracelet around her wrist???  The expressions say it all!
Had to get a side view of the bracelet pose! 
This is by far my favorite  picture!  By this point the couple was very relaxed in front of the camera and this expression says it all!  Amanda and Jason were great models!  Of course the heart necklace helps accent everything as well.

Had to end the photo-shoot with a kiss!

This photo-shoot was a lot of fun and the weather was perfect!  We went to a nearby park, and all together it took about 3 hours to get done. 

There were 5 other children involved.  Each child got thier picture taken single, and with each other.  They posed on the swings as well as other playground equipment (and what more fun is that for a kid???) Each child posed with Amanda and Jason alone and in groups of two.  They also did some poses with my wonderful couple...

So far I have found a couple photo shoot to last about 1.5 or 2 hours long.  Poses are very simple to come up with as well as a lot of fun to do.  

Contact me today for more photo information!

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