Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why you need a Photographer at your next party...

This weekend was a fabulous weekend to pull out the cameras and get excited about photography.  There were so many photogenic opportunities as well as reasons to pull out the camera just because.

Over the 4th of July weekend I did quite a few things.  For starters I celebrated my daughters first birthday, which of course included a party!  Following that there were quite a few thunderstorms which was even more of a reason to pull out the camera (the lightening is just awesome if you can manage to get a few photos on your camera), and then of course we had the actual 4th of July holiday which included fireworks (another famous photographer favorite) as well as the annual 4th of July parade.

Many people have asked me, "Why should I hire a photographer for my next party?  I can take pictures myself."

My answer is simply.  When you hosting a party, it is very hard to be everywhere at once.  Decorate, Food to make/set out, say 'hello' to all of the guests, make refills on the food if needed, and of course in the mist of all party planning you have to be there for the gifts as well as clean up the mess, set out the cake, cut the cake, and everything else.
Speaking from experience, I know it can be hard to carry the camera around with you to be there for all of those moments, plus get pictures of all of the guests.  I tried to carry a camera around, and it made it hard to catch everything I wanted to.  There was a few moments I didn't capture, thankfully since it was a first birthday party other people did.  Normally those special moments would not have happened...if it hadn't been for someone to spacifically take pictures. 

Especially with the holiday, you don't want to miss out on those awesome moments where aunts and uncles are playing ball with the kids and so forth. 

Another great opportunity for pictures over the holiday was at the parade..everyone was dressed in matching shirts and everyone was in a happy mood...

I have many pictures taken..I hope to post some soon!!!

Always remember, have DLWM Photography apart of your next party to help keep some memories around for a lifetime!

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