Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy 4th of July from DLWM Photography!

These last few weeks have been so exciting!  I am planning to work in a photography club in my local area, as well as do another upgrade on my camera(s)...I have many!  I have one for close-ups, one for spotty weather (such as rain), as well as my new camera...(talk more about that later!)

I've been reading so much about photography, that there are just so many things to talk about.  I could do a post just on lighting, poses, and so forth..but I don't want to bore you...but I have to say it excites me! 

In the upcoming weeks I plan to try to get in a couple more photo shoots (aside from my kids of course!), as well as pursuing other things to do with my photography. I have been trying to advertise myself because I'd like to do some wedding photography.  I've been to two weddings for photos and it was a blast...I am hoping that I could get permission to post some of the pictures soon! 

I attended my sister-in-laws wedding, and although I didn't get many pictures (due to the fact I had just had my daughter less than a week before) the few I did have turned out pretty good. 

Of course, since then I've been experimenting with my camera settings as well as using props, reading, and putting into action my photography skills.  Let me tell you, taking an 8 week course and reading about it you an easily train yourself to have a photographers eye just as well as you can train yourself to do anything else you want to do. 

Anyways, back to the weddings!  So after the months of pulling out the camera (I have had the perfect model..I wanted to catch every moment of my daughter growing up), I was invited to my cousin's wedding.  Since last fall I had discovered my rekindled love for photography I asked my cousin permission to take some photos of her wedding so I could practice what I had been reading about.  Although I wasn't the paid photographer for the wedding, I could not get behind the scenes where most photographers go. (Aka, the bride getting ready, bridesmaids pictures and so on) What I did participate in however, was the ceremony and bits and pieces of the reception. 

The Unity-Candle

A table at the reception

The Wedding Cake

These are 3 things I managed to get pictures of.  The Unity-Candle at the church, a table at the reception, and of course...the wedding cake! 

Even though they are just things, I LOVED how the candles glowed as well as the colors that the bride picked.  They went very well together.

I do have photos of the ceremony, but like I said, I need to ask permission of the bride and groom before I try to post them. 

The wedding, of course, was a lot of fun and I did get some awesome pictures.  I look forward to more photos and more wedding opportunity's over the next few years.  

I look forward to my upcoming photo sessions.  I have a solo session, and hopefully a couple session coming up.  We are just waiting on one thing...the new camera! 

As always, I look forward to capturing your memories and making you smile!

For photo sessions, or questions e-mail 
Check us out on Facebook, just type in 'DLWM Photography' into your search bar!

Monday, June 27, 2011

People Photography

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on Portrait Photography.  As well as continuing with my landscape pictures.

A few weeks ago I was in a local bookstore and came across 2 different books, each on two different subjects.  How to Photograph people, as well as children.  There has been so much information available on the subjects I can hardly believe it!  The books alone are helping me be more creative in my photography sessions.

To kick off the Summer (or at lest the 4th of July holiday)..I'd l like to have free photo sessions and then anyone who helps out will get a 20% discount on their next session OR a photography package of their choice!

In the meantime I'm working hard, and I have 2 future sessions set up.

I can't wait to share more pictures!!!  More to come soon! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One of my name-edited pictures

I added a purple tint to it....looks a little different.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How can hiring a Photographer (other than for a wedding) help you in your day to day life???

Over the last few weeks, I have been proposed the question, 'How can a Photographer help you in your day to day life?'.

A Photographer can help a person in their everyday life for a few simple reasons.

Firstly, the photographer can grow as your life changes.  For example, you can have the same photographer work with you for your senior pictures, then a few years later take pictures for an engagement (unless of course you would like to do a  photo session as a solo or aka 'inspirational session' or 'couple session'), then follow up for the wedding and then probably a few years later you will be available to help with baby photos.  From my experience being a parent, you want those times treasured. 

How else can a photographer help me, other than just for 'family moments'?

I've questioned myself this many times..but as I have developed as a photographer, and thru the many books I've read you can hire a photographer for anything you  may need.

For example, now that summer has officially approached us I have found that many people in the area have put their houses up for sale 'For Sale by Owner'.  Since I"m sure they don't have internet connections to sites dealing with realty , I"m sure that they need pictures of their house done for advertising their homes.  As well as to give guests to take home who are shopping for homes.

Another thing you may need a photographer for is if you would like to be a model...obvious why, you need MANY pictures for your profile, as I"m sure everyone knows.

Now onto my favorite opportunity...upcoming chef's, or just home cooks.  From watching one of my favorite channels 'The Food Network', many people want pictures of their signature dishes.  Whether it be for a family recipe book, trying to enhance their cooking experience, as well as trying to become a chef.  They always need pictures of the food they cook.

Why not hire someone with a professional camera to get those picture needs?

I have taken what I have learned in my 'Composition of Photography class' and applied it to everyday life.  I pull out my camera on every occasion, as well as work hard to find new settings and backgrounds as well as discover new lands for easy access photo sessions.  For example, tonight I found a great background!  I didn't have my camera on my phone or my real camera available (sorry...) but I plan on putting my idea into action within the next few days...

As always e-mail me at!

Let me help create memories for generations today!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Photo Ideas 101

Yesterday I wrote all about trying to get a 'theme' for a photo-shoot. 

What if I don't want to do a theme? But I still want some favorite things included.

The answer is simply, look for things that you like to do.  For example, while my hubby officiates for wrestling it is a great hobby where I can get some wonderful photo-opportunities. 

While you may also like your formal portrait photo session, or fun session (like the solo/inspirational photo shoot), it is just as much fun to have a casual photo-shoot.  A good idea is to find some hobby's you really like, and work on them during your session.  If you like painting, maybe I can take you outside to a picnic table while you work on a painting....again, the opportunities are endless!  Just think of some hobby's and run away with ideas, or ask me and we can plan your session down to the minute!  It's just that simple...

I will leave you with some beautiful pictures taken over the last week....the sky is just gorgeous and easily included in any background (weather permitting of course).  I found that a good time for a photo session is about 3 hours before sunset...the lighting is great, as well as the colors, and you can work easily for about 5 hours getting some great shoots (as well as fitting in as  many as about 3 different locations during that time).

What more can I say I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY!   to schedule an appointment today!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Help! We need some photo shoot ideas!

During the last week or so, I've been doing my research on helping others find a 'theme' for their photo shoot. 

What kind of theme do we pick???

That is a very good question!  Themes could be just about anything!!!

I had a distant relative get engaged last year and she did her Engagement photo shoot at her school where she met her, now was a neat idea, her and her fiance wore school colors and went to different places of the school.  For example, the fiance was a football player and I believe she was a soccer they went to the football stadium as well as a ticket booth for the soccer field.  I didn't get to do the photo shoot (although I'm sure I would have loved it!) because it was 10+ hours away, but after seeing the pictures it was such a cute idea. 

School themes are always a good choice, as well as they give you a lot of options of places to go to as well as bring back a few memories.

What other themes are out there???

I've seen some city photo shoots, and you can choose to dress alike (although if you are getting your picture taken solo you don't have to worry!), or you can choose different aspects of the city.  Such as a magazine stand, a bus station, or near a busy street. 

In the time spent reading about photography, some colors go well with different themes.  School colors are always easy.  In a deep green background, I've seen families wear white (which can work well if you don't have too busy of a background) as well as some pastel colors (which tend to be a favorite of mine). 

I've recently heard of people doing movie themes for weddings, showers, and of course parties.  I most frequently have heard about the 'Twilight' saga theme(s), so I'm sure any fan can have a 'Twilight' themed photo shoot.  The books can even be used as props!  I can see a girl holding a 'Twilight book' and a boyfriend looking behind her, either at her or down at the book with her....

There is just so many ideas, the themes are endless! 

There is just as many ideas for solo photo shoots as well!  Just think of some favorite things and find a location and 'BAM" you got yourself a photo shoot..just schedule a day and time with me...

In my travels I've found some wonderful areas for some nice photo shoots!  I can't even begin to describe some of the sights I've seen...

As always, let DLWM Photography help you make some memories...

E-mail me today! 
(after your e-mail, I will give you my  number to reach me to discuss more photo details!)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

More pictures to talk about!

Last weekend, I did some 'in-the-field' work.  I traveled a good distance and was very pleased at some of the results I had found along the way.  I was hoping that I would be able to get some people to do photographs with, as well as get some awesome landscape pictures! 

As it ended up, running into people was harder than it was (our paths just did not cross much with other people as I originally thought).  In some places where I did run into other people, would have just been awkward to start taking pictures of people.  It would be awkward to walk around a grocery store asking people for pictures now wouldn't it?

I furnished up some skills, and tried to find some unique things to take pictures of (since other people were out of the picture).  I think if time were on my side, other people defiantly would have participated  knowing that photography has been a fascination all my life, and I really have started trying to share my talent over the last year. 

Isn't this just beautiful!?!

Couldn't help but think that this was something interesting to get a picture of.

So pretty!  Pictures tell it all!

This looks just so peaceful and relaxing...

I can totally see an engagement or couple session here, the woods were SO GREEN and the dirt path just made it enchanting!

I fell in love with this was built in the late 1800s.

A troubled sky..

Thankfully, although getting a picture of people didn't work out..the animals certainly didn't mind getting their picture taken!

As you can tell, there were wonderful things to pull the camera out for!  I enjoyed the scenery..all of which is in the 50 mile radius available.  In the photo where there was the river flowing and blue sky with clouds behind it (Picture 1), there was a cute castle that gave some shade and I could totally see a couple sitting inside of the castle posing for pictures in front of this gorgeous landscape!  Had someone else had been there, I would have totally gotten a was just that awesome!

To schedule a photo session today e-mail

NEW Camera NEW options!

Over the last weekend, I finally obtained a newer point and shoot camera.  (to go along with my DSLR of course!)

The new camera is wonderful!  It can be used in rain, or shine and could go under water (which is a great feature!).  Even though the camera is brand new, and it is a sport-point-and-shoot camera, it still takes wonderful photographs to treasure as well as provide a durable outer cover to protect photo shoot appointments in the rain.

You may be asking to yourself....

What kind of photos can be taken in the rain?  How can this help enhance a rainy day photo shoot I had planned for a sunny day?

Although rain my be annoying (especially if it is down-pouring or a thunderstorm, in which case photography outdoors would NOT be advised or safe), it can offer some different options.  You can be wearing matching outfits, and have an orange umbrella to bring out lighter colors in your pictures.  For examples, if you are interested in a couple/engagement photo shoot and it happens to be raining, how cute could it be to have the couple under the umbrella smiling at each other (or even kissing for that matter!).  I can imagine a scene with trees in the background and a close up of a couple glowing at each other under an umbrella..the rain not seeming like it is bothering them.  As well as the rain can also help enhance outdoor surroundings.  The rain tends to bring  out colors in nature beautifully! 

You do not have to have a photo shoot in the rain, can be a fun option.  Especially since services can be provided! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

ISO for Beginners

As summer draws near, many of you may wonder how to tone down lighting or increase lighting in pictures.  Since my experiences with photography have increased over the last year, so has all of the technical aspects of my DSLR camera. 

Over Memorial Day weekend, I worked on shooting adults, toddler, and action photography.  Along with that, I took some 1 on 1 time to demonstrate the ISO settings on the camera. 

ISO stands for the sensitivity of the image sensor.  Higher ISO generally stands for low light situations (such as nighttime pictures and dark rooms), and opposite for lighter situations...

Here is an example of ISO settings in your camera.  We will work on Aperture another day! 

0.0 ISO

Increasing ISO

Steadily increasing ISO settings

The highest ISO setting...look at how bright this photo is!

0.0 ISO

Slowing decreasing ISO

As the ISO gets lower, the light gets darker

 WOW!  Can you even see that this is a plant??       

As you can see, ISO plays a HUGE role in pictures! 

I hope I can help you capture memories to last a lifetime.  You can see your child, yourself, or others (such as a group of friends), on this site by scheduling a photo session, getting your photo package, and sharing the memories with others.  Model release forms for those interested in sharing their photos on the web!

For scheduling a session, contact

Check us out on Facebook, simply type in DLWM PHOTOGRAPHY INTO THE SEARCH BAR!!!!

DLWM PHOTOGRAPHY is working to serve you today!